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CNC Router Software
Commonly Asked Questions Answered: CNC Router Software
CNC machines use programing to remove layers of a material in a process called subtractive manufacturing. During this process, the machine's tools in unison with computerized controls whittle down a stock piece of material. When finished, you are left with a customized part.
CNC routers provide simple or complex 2D programming options. Various software allows the designer to create specific coding. The coding utilizes various tools, including your CNC router.
Here are some commonly asked questions about CNC router software and BOSS CNC.
What software is used in CNC machines?
CNC machines use CAD and CAM software. The design is drawn up in CAD (computer-aided design). CAD software can create designs in 2D or 3D. Then the prototype is created using CAM (computer-aided design) software. Integrated CAD/CAM systems for a complete solution for design and manufacture.
How does CAM software work?
Working in partnership with CAD software, CAM programs use a numerical coding program. Your CNC (computer numerical control) machine then uses the data provided from the program to create your 2D or 3D design.
At RouterCAD, we have a wide selection of CNC routers, machines, and CAD/CAM software for you to choose from. We are dedicated to helping you get the job done right with the first try! Contact our team with any questions you may have or stop in and pick out your new CNC machine.
Our BOSS CNC packages come with our full suite of RouterCAD (CAD/CAM) software. We have a wide selection of CNC routers (2 phase and 3 phase - 4 x 8, 5 x 8, 5 x 10 size). We are dedicated to helping you get the job done right with the first try! Contact our team with any questions.